
翻译: Spectre Attacks - 幽灵攻击

幽灵攻击: 利用推测执⾏ #

Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution
Paul Kocher 1 ,Jann Horn 2 ,Anders Fogh 3 ,Daniel Genkin 4 , Daniel Gruss 5 ,Werner Haas 6 ,Mike Hamburg 7 ,Moritz Lipp 5 , Stefan Mangard 5 ,Thomas Prescher 6 ,Michael Schwarz 5 ,Yuval Yarom 8 1 Independent (,2 Google Project Zero, 5 G DATA Advanced Analytics, 4 University of Pennsylvania and University of Maryland, 5 Graz University of Technology, 6 Cyberus Technology, 7 Rambus, Cryptography Research Division,8 University of Adelaide and Data61

